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Sun Yifan 孫一帆

I am Yifan. I'm 24 years old and work in the investment banking industry. Outside of work I like to keep myself occupied with other hobbies and interests as well. My love of photography and backpacking has brought me to 35 countries, while in my spare time, I like to paint, make handicrafts and work as a volunteer tour guide in Singapore Art Museum, where I've been for the past five years.

I find it fulfilling to discover people's potential and help people who are perceived as disadvantaged, such as children in developing countries. In 2011 I spent a month in Kenya volunteering at an orphanage and teaching English to Maasai tribes people. Back home in Singapore I am an active member of my company’s charity committee, a member of KIVA, which gives loans to underprivileged people through micro-financing, as well as a volunteer with NGOs and social enterprises in my spare time.

This is my first photo exhibition and I find it both challenging and exciting! My purpose is to share my view of the world and travel stories with people. In addition, I wish to raise funds to help build schools for kids in Zimbabwe, and to bring music into their lives. I play music myself, including piano, guitar, drums, and I was a conductor and president in the Chinese Orchestra in my university. Therefore, I know firsthand how music can help in bringing happiness to people's lives. Last year I bought my Masaai host family a guitar, the first musical instrument in their whole village, and I am glad to know that many people in the village can now play music!

In my personal life I seek wisdom through talking with others, reading, and meditation. I love philosophy, psychology, and I’m learning about various religions and spiritual paths. I am a scuba diver, couch surfer, and planning a motorcycle trip across Africa in the future.

I hope you can support me in my efforts and contribute towards our fundraising target of 3000 pounds. Lastly, feel free to contact me if you have interesting projects or ideas to share. I look forward to hearing from you.





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Cai Yun 蔡韻

I am Cai Yun, I’m 24 years old and works in the media industry. The chosen path has guaranteed a challenging life filled with myriads of stories, and I spice it up further by packing the world’s heartbeat in a suitcase. I embrace the concept of "temporary local", and set out to achieve specific causes each time I live in a different country.

While working as a journalist with Nepali Times, I was fortunate to befriend and publish stories about the mysterious Living Goddesses (Kumari) of Nepal, and followed through the forbidden ancient palace guided by the Chief Restoration Architect; Through the daring move of filming a documentary on maternity issue in the newest nation of Asia, Timor-Leste, I witnessed the live birth process by a Timorese women, and interviewed the President face-to-face. Homestaying in Japan for half a year, and numerous trekking escapes with close encounter with wild animals alongside my vacation job in Yellowstone National Park, United States, had all accumulated to where I stand now and how I treasure the world around.

Through this photo exhibition, I would love to share the moments captured through my lenses with you across the continents, and more importantly, an opportunity to raise funds for children’s education in Zimbabwe. I believe every child deserves to be cherished, and having worked with some of the less fortunate children in third world countries as a volunteer help me understand the hardship they may be facing on a daily basis. It will truly be a blessing if I can help to shine a light of hope at the end of the tunnel, and support them through this life journey.

Please help me out with my vision of raising 3000 pounds, for the necessities in schools in Zimbabwe, as well as partially sponsoring the volunteers who can open up a larger world beyond for the children to visualize and pursue. Donate whatever amount you would like to light up a smile on these sweet faces miles and miles away. It will be so rewarding, at the end of the day. =)




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We are Yifan and Cai Yun, two 24-year-old girls who love travelling,  photography and, of course, sunshine and ice-cream:) One of us rides the ups and in the finance game, the other doodles her way through the media landscape. Both possess a common passion for humanity and an intense curiosity of world around.


The two of us have been to 40+ countries in the past few years, across 5 continents, which includes journalism work in Nepal, shooting a documentary in Timor-Leste and volunteer work in Kenya, and meditation retreat in Thailand. We are having this travel photo exhibition to share with you the world they have seen through their eyes, and the stories behind them.

We are also doing this exhibition to raise funds for the kids in Zimbabwe to support their education: With your love and kindness, together let's make the world a brighter place for them.

On 9th Sep, 2012 we will start our travel photo exhibition in Fullhouse Cafe. For more details, please visit the EXHIBITION page on this website. Click here if you are interested in coming to our sharing sessions on 27th Sep and 29th Sep 2012.


Fullhouse Cafe Travel Photo Exhibition

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2 Girls, 40 Countries, Infinite moments...

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